HOME Architecture Handyman Services Lathe Turnings Paintings BlogThe industrial art objects presented here are hollow form wood vessels, made by the lathe turning process. Also known as woodturnings, they are turned from either: (a) solid chunks of wood harvested from trees, or from (b) many precisely-cut pieces of wood that are glued-up into blanks and then turned to a final form.
Wood species often used are: Apple, African Padauk, Aromatic Red Cedar, Bradford Pear, Cherry, Maple, Mulberry, Red Gum, Southern Catalpa, Texas Pecan, and American Walnut.
These lathe turnings were Made in Texas USA.
Click an image below, to see a larger picture of the item, its dimensions, materials used, and current value.
Thank you for spending your time to view and appreciate these works of industrial art, as considerable time and effort went into the making of each one.
If you are interested in commissioning W. H. Jordan for architectural services, or acquiring a lathe turning or painting, then use one of the following contact methods.
W. H. Jordan
1418 Glendale Dr, Abilene, Texas 79603
© 2023 Will H. Jordan